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Our Academics

Potty Train!!


Social - Emotional Development
Communication, Literacy & Language
Physical Development & Health

Social-emotional skills are integral to the holistic development of children and to their success in school and in life. Social-emotional learning (SEL) is encouraged through instruction on recognizing and managing emotions, understanding and interacting with others, problem solving and ethical and responsible behaviors. 

​Communication is the ability to express oneself, language is the way in which to do so, and literacy refers to a range of emergent reading and writing behaviors to actual reading and writing. These skills are fostered at our center through songs, nursery rhymes, interactive read alouds, and multiple opportunities to express feelings and share ideas through oral language, drawing, and writing.  

​Amazing transformations occur in children's bodies during the first five years. Our schedule offers multiple daily opportunities for children to develop gross (large muscle) and fine (small muscle) motor skills. Health is encouraged through teaching proper hygiene, nutrition, and physical fitness. 

Cognition and Knowledge of the World

Creative Curriculum


​Cognitive development is influenced by environment and experience. Learning is an active process that occurs as children interact in meaningful ways with the world around them. Our center fosters cognitive skill development through opportunities for play, linguistic and experiential active engagement, experimentation, observation, exploration, listening, reflection, problem-solving, and reasoning. Cognitive skills are developed across all domains including physical, social-emotional, language and literacy, math, science, social studies, technology, and the arts. 

Creative Curriculum, which uses research-based practices to support children's emotional, behavioral, and cognitive regulations skills,  is used centerwide. Children are given daily opportunities to make choices and engage in open-ended exploration which sets the context for children's initiative, curiosity, and creativity. This play-based, hands-on curriculum is aligned with NYS Early Learning Guidelines and The NYS Prekindergarten Learning Standards. 

The overall purpose of assessment, regardless of age, is to help teachers make appropriate instructional decisions about how to best teach children. It is not used to classify "readiness" or for exclusionary purposes.


This data is kept confidential and stored in a secure area. It is shared with families three times a year during the two parent-teacher’s conferences held and in the form of a written report at the end of the school year.

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© Copyright 2020 by Bronx Baptist Daycare & Learning Center

Contact Us

Tel: (718) 933-4201

Fax:  (718) 367-3229



331 E 187th Street

The Bronx, NY 10458

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